“Smart Terminals” Could Mean New Opportunities for Cyber Criminals

January 26, 2015

Cyber Criminals Blog

New technology is undeniably exciting, especially when it comes to payments. In many instances, new technology can mean cost saving, more efficiency and greater convenience, but it can also result in new vulnerability. Every time a new type of payment tech is released onto the market, cyber criminals work hard to poke holes in unforeseen vulnerabilities.

ISO and Agent reports that as EMV becomes more widespread, integrated terminals will become new targets. These terminals allow for advances like Apple Pay to exist, which allows for transactions to be delivered in new, potentially vulnerable ways. The best way to protect against attacks? According to Julie Conroy of Aite Group, it’s a “three-legged stool” consisting of tokenization, point-to-point encryption, and EMV–an approach we whole-heartedly agree with.

Check out the full article here.