Save your finance department time and ensure accuracy when you automate the reconciliation of card-to-receipts with an expedited process that takes just minutes instead of hours.
Cards get lost, stolen and expire and sometimes customers may forget to let you know. Increase customer retention with an account updater that will keep you in the know if any of your customer’s card information changes–from card number to address.
Maintaining PCI compliance can be expensive and time consuming. CardConnect makes it simple while keeping costs low by removing your ERP system from the scope of PCI compliance.
When you process with CardConnect, all your customer data will be converted into mathematically irreversible tokens. This means no unencrypted card data is stored on your system, so if a breach ever occurs, your customer’s cards are safe.
Your data will be stored in our ulta-secure, off-site, PCI compliant vault so you can rest assured your most sensitive information is safe and sound.